There is no self-image, only those generated by the media.
Individuality is repressed through monotonous practices.
'Real life' is a myth; fairy tales preached by those that strip it from us.
We all live a life set in stone by those that created us.
We are products, statistics, components taken at face value, not people.
We, the ignorant masses, are the source of governmental control.
The only way to reclaim 'our' stolen humanity is too abandon everything
that they have forced upon us and start anew.
Anarchy is not what 'they' make it seem. Lawlessness, destruction, chaos.
These are the repercussions for such acts force fed to us throughout our lives;
the idea that we cannot live without them, and so they,
in order to maintain their hold, make us fear the thought of deserting them.
Anarchy, however, is something far more complex.
It is the belief that human beings can live without need of a ruler,
without the protection of some falsified ego.
It is abandonment, the act of discarding everything we know,
repentance, the idea of forgiving ourselves for the atrocities committed against the very nature of our being, enlightenment, the process of understanding and accepting that we are who we are,
and that 'they,' or anyone else, cannot control us.
Anarchy is the key to self-discovery;
it is the inspiration for mankind to return to glory.
Anarchy is salvation.
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